Friday, November 22, 2013

Unit 9 - Space + Art

“Space Connectors: The Astronauts of the Connector World.” by  Renee Borage.

“Space: the final frontier. You've made it!”. Professor Vesna starts our last lecture of this class with this fitting yet saddening line. Space is vast as demonstrated in the “Power of Ten” video. It encompasses us and everything out there; there is still much to be discovered! Society has definitely been influenced by space and space exploration nonetheless. The lectures lists many examples like a TV show called Star Trek and a novel called A Fountain of Paradise.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Logo.

One example that caught my eye was the forceful shift in the United States education system. The Soviet Union launched Sputnik and started the Space Race. October 4, 1957 was known as the Sputnik Moment, the day that defined time as what came before and what came after this moment. The U.S., in an attempt to catch up, formed NASA. Schools started to receive more funding in math, science, and foreign languages to help develop students to compete with the Soviets. The U.S. actually had a decent education system, as shown from the U.S. scientists and engineers that helped win the WWII, and there were already plans for better coursework in the future. The Space Race, however, accelerated those plans while educators seized the opportunity for more government money. It’s interesting how one small moment can change a system that I’m currently living in. If a stress in the sciences wasn’t present, I wonder if I would be an engineering student at UCLA.

Western Zodiacs and Astrology.

Chinese Zodiacs and Astrology.

Outside the Space Race, space has already been influencing cultures. A prime example is sun sign astrology. It was invented by R.H. Naylor who claimed he predicted the crash of the R101 airship using the sun and stars, specifically relating the current movements of all the planets to each other. Sun sign astrology includes the Western Zodiacs and their associated elements, quality, polarity, celestial body/planet, and the sun sign period. In Chinese culture, it uses a lunar calendar which is based on the cycles of the lunar phase. From the moon, Chinese astrology and the Chinese Zodiacs are derived. Lastly, in pop culture, Lady Gaga confirmed that she will be the first recording artist to sing in space in early 2015. She was given a Virgin Galactic ticket to perform. In the lecture, we know that SpaceShipOne won the AnsariX Prize. The Virgin Group and Scaled Composites, under the name Virgin Galactic, continued the project to carry passengers to space in a commercial spacecraft fleet. People want to venture out to space and it seems like it's very possible in the near future. Future accomplishments will be literally out of this world.

 “Lady Gaga Confirms: I'm Going to Be the First Recording Artist to Sing in Space.” by Nicole Eggenberger.

Yours truly,
Calvin Cam

Works Cited
Borage, Renee. “Space Connectors: The Astronauts of the Connector World.” Positronic, 14 Jun. 2013. Web. 22 Nov. 2013. <>.

“Chinese Zodiac.” The Art Institute of Chicago, 2000. Web. 22. Nov 2013. <>.

Eggenberger, Nicole. “Lady Gaga Confirms: I'm Going to Be the First Recording Artist to Sing in Space.” US Magazine, 11 Nov. 2013. Web. 22 Nov. 2013. <

“How Star Signs are Determined.” Paranormal Encyclopedia. Web. 22 Nov. 2013. <>.

“NASA.” Web. 22 Nov. 2013. <>.

“Space Tickets – A Journey of a Lifetime into Space.” Virgin Galatic. Web. 22 Nov. 2013. <>.

Toppo, Greg. “Sputnik heralded space race, focus on learning.” USA Today, 3 Oct. 2007. Web. 21 Nov. 2013. <>.

Vesna, Victoria. “Space intro.” Cole UC online. Youtube, 26 Mar. 2012. Web. 20 Nov. 2013. <>. 


  1. It is interesting how you brought up the educational system in this topic. I am also an engineer, so I am thankful for this movement as well. Hopefully the space programs do not get budget cuts because I believe that information in space will be useful for us in the future. Great blog!

  2. I thought this was a great post! I liked how you mentioned what impact Sputnik had on the world and how it started NASA, a new curriculum in our schools, and the overall sort of panic it caused in our nation. It was also nice to see how you made a connection with our modern culture and how zodiacs incorporate our understanding of space.
